
In this elective module, the task was to conceptualize a game in groups that incorporates some type of door transition.

Yoana, Anja, and I decided to create a teleportation game where you land from teleporter to teleporter in a new world.
I was mainly responsible for assembling the various game worlds, debugging, writing the C# codes for the player controller, follow player, and teleporter, as well as exporting to the WebGL shown below. This allowed us to further build on the skills we acquired last semester.

  • Software
  • Mentoring
    Lena Frei
  • Date
    Autumn Semester 2023
  • Context
    BA Modul Immersive Environments II, with Lena Frei at FHNW HGK IDCE
  • Luisa Viggiano, Yoana Tacheva, Anja Rothenbühler
