Graffiti on Girls is out of date. Muse Graffiti stands for
vision, courage, joy in experimentation, self confidence and
respect for one self and others. Muse Graffiti wants a modern and
diverse graffiti scene. This is a safe space for Flinta* and
LGBTQIA*+ people to work on their graffiti skills and get to know
each other.
The course consists of six classes which take place once a month.
The lessons build on each other, are practical and provided with
exercises which accompany you step by step to your own Urban Art
Style. If typography, characters or Street Art, beginner or
experienced - your personal goals, wishes and needs will be taken
into account.
Therefore Muse Graffiti is not just a course but also a junction
for LGBTQIA*+ and Flinta* people who share a communal passion for
the urban arts and who are looking for an exclusive contact point
for advice and questions about Graffiti and Street Art.
Copyright © Luisa Viggiano